Outreach Programs

Reform takes special effort and attention, and no matter how many workshops you attend, or materials you purchase, you're going to run into roadblock.

  • How do we know when you are doing a classroom activity as well as possible?
  • What do we do if the technology coordinator for our building has questions about installing a program we are desperate to have our students use?
  • How might we modify our classroom or school schedule to accommodate the needs of an inquiry-based classroom?
  • How do we bring time-intensive inquiry projects into our school when we need to cover so much other materials for the MEAP tests?
  • How might we tie these curriculum materials in with other teachers in our building to create interdisciplinary programs?

It is for these questions, and all of the others you have, that hi-ce offers individualized consultation to schools that are trying to engage in bringing inquiry into their classroom curriculum. We can work with your schools or individual teachers on a variety of issues, Including the following:

  • Professional development planning,
  • Curriculum mapping and planning,
  • Adaptation of Hi-CE curriculum units to your existing school curriculum,
  • Aligning school curricula with state and national curriculum benchmarks and standards,
  • Planning and/or facilitating professional development activities,
  • Assisting individual teachers in learning about inquiry-based instruction through coaching or model teaching.

hi-ce consultants bring not only their own experience with these materials to an individual school; they also have the shared knowledge and experience of hundreds of classrooms that have used hi-ce curriculum materials and technologies over the past decade.

Individual consultation is available to schools, districts, educational service agencies, or other organizations, for a number of issues.