hi-ce Software: Model-It

Model ItModel-It™ is a visual modeling and simulation tool for use on desktop computers. Students can easily build, test, and evaluate qualitative models without needing to know the underlying calculus driving these models. They can create models that represent their theories about the scientific phenomena studied in class, and they can run simulations in order to test their models.

About Model-It:

Model-It allows students to:

  • Build, test, and evaluate qualitative models, without needing to know the underlying calculus.create models that represent their theories about the scientific phenomena studied in class.
  • Run simulations to test and analyze their models.
  • Improve communication, decision making, critical thinking, and listening skills through discussion and analysis.
  • Use supplemental curriculum units covering several content areas to integrate standards-based content with Model-It technology.

For More Information and Downloads:

Model-It is now availableThis link opens in a new window through a series of Model-It suppledmental curriculum units from Kendall-Hunt PublishersThis link opens in a new window, or as a classroom set license through GoKnow, Inc. This link opens in a new window GoKnow is the distributor for Model-It software, and provides downloads, Quick Start Guides, and technical support for Model-It software.

Research on Model-It and Scientific Modeling:

The following is a list of papers and other documentation on scientific modeling and the design and use of Model-It as a learning tool:

Learner-Centered Software Design to Support Students Building ModelsThis link opens in a new window
Shari L. Jackson, Steven J. Stratford, Joseph Krajcik, and Elliot Soloway

The Design of Guided Learner-Adaptable Scaffolding in Interactive Learning EnvironmentsThis link opens in a new window
Shari L. Jackson, Joseph Krajcik, and Elliot Soloway

Investigators' Workshop Model-It: Technology to Support Authentic Science InquiryThis link opens in a new window
Elliot Soloway, Amanda Pryor, Joseph Krajcik, Shari Jackson, Steven Stratford, Michele Wisnudel, and Jonathan Klein

Making System Dynamics Modeling Accessible to Pre-College Science StudentsThis link opens in a new window
Shari L. Jackson, Steven J. Stratford, Joseph Krajcik, and Elliot Soloway

Model-It: A Case Study of Learner-Centered Software Design for Supporting Student ModelingThis link opens in a new window
Shari L. Jackson, Steven J. Stratford, Joseph Krajcik, and Elliot Soloway

A Review of Computer-Based Model Research in Precollege Science ClassroomsThis link opens in a new window
Steven J. Stratford

ScienceWare's Model-It: Technology to Support Authentic Science InquiryThis link opens in a new window
Elliot Soloway, Amanda Pryor, Joseph Krajcik, Shari Jackson, Steven Stratford, Michele Wisnudel, and Jonathan Klein

The ScienceWare Modeler: A Learner-Centered Tool for Students Building ModelsThis link opens in a new window
Shari L.Jackson

The ScienceWare Project: Supporting Science Modeling and Inquiry via Computational Media and TechnologyThis link opens in a new window
Elliot Soloway, Joseph Krajcik, and Elizabeth Finkel

Secondary Students' Dynamic Modeling Processes: Analyzing, Reasoning About, Synthesizing, and Testing Models of Stream EcosystemsThis link opens in a new window
Steven J. Stratford, Joseph Krajcik, and Elliot Soloway

Technological Support for Teacher Transitioning to Project Based Science PracticesThis link opens in a new window
Elliot Soloway, Joseph Krajcik, and Phyllis Blumenfeld