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I. What is Model-It?
II. Installing Model-It
     A. From a CD
           1. PC
           2. Macintosh
     B. From the web
III. Model-It Tutorial
     A. Acid Rain: Content Information
     B. Introduction to Model-It
          1. Running and Getting Started
          2. Getting familiar with Model-It
     C. Objects
          1. Deciding on Objects
          2. Creating Objects
              a. Using an image in a file
              b. Using an image from Object Palette
     D. Factors
          1. Deciding on Factors
          2. Creating  factors
               a. Adding a Factor in the "Plan" stage
               b. Adding a Factor in the "Build" stage
     E. Relationships
          1. Determining and constructing relationships
     F. Testing the Model
          1. Using the Meters
          2. Running the simulation
     G. Saving and Opening Models
          1. Different ways to save your model
          2. Opening a saved model




Deciding on Objects

An Object is a physical thing in the environment. Objects have traits that can be measured. From the Acid Rain information provided, the Objects for this model can include:

      1. Factories
      2. Atmosphere
      3. Plants
      4. Animals

These are good Objects because they contain measurable traits, they are fairly simple, and they represent a vital piece of the acid rain cycle.

Creating Objects

All Objects must be created while in the Plan mode. There are two possible types of Objects: Normal and Background. Each model contains only one Background Object. Every object has four characteristics: Name, Type, Image, and a Description. This object provides context for the model by showing a setting that students can identify with. This model is concerned with air pollution, so a picture of the sky or possibly even a factory from the local community would be appropriate. For this model, the Background Object will be the atmosphere.  Ideally, the first Object built in any model is the Background Object, but this is not necessary.

Note: Any JPG or GIF image may be imported into Model-It. An image file created by scanning a photograph or downloaded from a digital camera can make a wonderful background for a model.

There are two ways to create objects in Model-It:

  • Using an image from a file
Click NEW OBJECT, which is located in the left hand Plan Tools panel. The object editor will appear.









When the Object Editor window appears, the default Object Name of "New Object:0" appears. Use the backspace or
delete keys to erase this, and type "Atmosphere". 

Next, pull down the Type box by clicking the down arrow located on the right side of the box, and select

Next, click on SELECT IMAGE. A file box will pop up and allow the user to choose which image file should
represent this Object. The default directory starting location is the images directory within the Model
Builder directory, however an image from any directory including a floppy disk can be used.

For the image for the background object Atmosphere, click on the provided image file AIR.JPG and wait for the preview
image to fully load in the Preview pane on the right hand side of the window. If you like this image click
on the OPEN button.








A small picture of the object will appear in the object editor window. The next step in creating an Object is to provide a short sentence to describe the Object. In the Description box type "This is the atmosphere in our community." The final step in building an Object is to click the OK button. 


The Background Object will now appear as the background in the Plan mode:











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  • Using an image from Object Palette
The first time we opened the Object Editor we clicked NEW OBJECT, which is located on the left hand Plan
Tools panel. Now let's use the pictures that appeared in the Object Palette at the bottom of our window
after we choose the atmosphere units. They should look like the picture below:

The next Object that needs to be created is the Factory Object. Click down on the Factory picture and while
holding down on the mouse button drag the factory image up to our workspace window until the words "Drop here" appear
as in the image below.








After you let go of the mouse button the Object Editor will appear.

The Object Name is Factory, so use the backspace or delete key to remove "New Object:1" and then type "Factory". 

The Object Type for Factory is Normal, so this does not need to be adjusted as it is already be set to Normal. Also, since we dragged our image of the factory it should appear as the selected image in the object editor window. 

Now, type a sentence about this object into the description field. Type, "These are factories that burn coal."


To finish creating the Factory, click the OK button. Now the Plan mode will now display two Objects: Factory and Atmosphere.








Repeat the Object creation process for the remaining two Objects: Plants and Animals. Follow these steps:

1. Decide which Object will be built next. For this model: Plants, Animals
2. Click NEW OBJECT to bring up the Object Editor or Drag a Picture from the Object Palette
3. Type the name of the Object in the Name field.  For this model: Plants, Animal
4. Make sure the Type pull down box is set correctly to either Background or Normal.
    For this model: Plants and Animals will be Normal
5. Click on SELECT IMAGE. If you dragged the image onto the window Skip to #7
6. Choose the appropriate image file. Be sure to wait for the  Preview image to load.
    For this model: PLANTS. JPG will represent Plants, and ANIMALS.JPG will represent Animals
7. Type in a Description for the Object.  For this model: The Animals Object can use the description,
    "These are Animals in our community that are affected by Acid Rain." The Plants Object can use the
    description "These are Plants in our community that are affected by Acid Rain."
8. Finally, hit the OK button to save the object.

Once all of the Objects have all been created, the model will look something like this.


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