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Artemis is an interface that allows you to search and retrieve information from the University of Michigan Digital Library (UMDL). In the future, it will expand to include all types of information including library collections, images, video, audio, live data, and more!
But Artemis is much more than that. It will let you:
- Keep track of your questions.
- Organize your information..
- Save URLs (bookmarks) in folders.
- View past search results.
Best of all, Artemis includes the UMDL Web Collections, a set of resources located and cataloged by the UMDL cybrarians. These selections are organized by reading level, topic area and student learning needs. The Digital Library has more than 4000 registered web sites. Also, since you enter your own password, it will keep track of all your work (on the BIG computer at the university) so it's there when you come back next time!
In ancient Greek mythology, Artemis was known as the goddess of nature and the hunt. This "lady of the wild things" was armed with a silver bow and a quiver full of arrows.
The University of Michigan Digital Library Project uses Artemis because she will help you "hunt down" resources that you can use for your investigation. She is very smart, remembers where you have been, what you have looked at, and knows what you need to be successful while searching in the Digital Library and on the Web.
Below is a view of the main Artemis workspace.
- Log-in to Artemis
- Click on the Artemis Search icon.
You will need to resize and move the new window that pops up so you can see this window too.
- If you are a new student, click on the New Student Login and follow the instructions there.
- If you are a new teacher, click on the Teacher Account Sign up. Follow the given instructions for creating an account with Artemis.
- If you already have a screen name, enter it in the login box and press return.
- Create Driving Question Folders
- You will create 2 dq folders for the scav hunt. Locate
the create dq link on the LEFT side of the screen. Click it.
- A window will appear. For the scav hunt, you will NOT enter a
dq. In the dq window, type the title of the folder: Cool Sites
(Graphics). There is an option to share this with your class, but
for the scav. Hunt, you wil not need to share the title of your
- Click create. You will return to your workspace, with
the new folder on the left side of the screen.
- Create a second folder titled: Cool Sites ( Info)
following the directions above.
- Perform a Search
- Our first Search will be to find information on planets. Type a search term (like "planet") into the white search box. Choose a reading level for your search from the drop down box on the right side. Check all of the categories that you would like to look in. Click the Go! Button.
- A list will appear of all of the sites Artemis found for your search.
- Find the area on the Artemis screen that says Alternatives. This is a list of other possible search fields for your specified keyword.
- View Sites Found by Artemis
- To visit a page that Artemis found for you, click the document title which is a hyperlink. There is also a summary page written by the cybrarian.
- Write down the list of Alternatives so you can search them later.
- Save Websites into Folders or Share them with your class
- Save one of the sites into your Cool Sites (Info) folder. To do this, click the "save" Icon next to the site title.
- Share one of your sites with the class. To do this, click the "share" Icon next to the site title.
- Look at Past Searches
- To see a history of past searches, click Past Searches Button in the toolbar at the top of the site.
- A new window will pop up containing all of the searches you have done. To see a previous search, click the hyperlink. The past search results will automatically pop up in the main Artemis screen.
- View a Past Search document the same way you view documents from a new search. See Step 4 if you need help.
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